Business owner documents battle with cancer  

Photo courtesy of Jen VanEe

Jen VanEe, the Owner of Wright Touch Marketing & Consulting, has embarked on a poignant journey to chronicle her battle with breast cancer through her blog, “One Tough Titty.” In her blog, VanEe details everything from the whirlwind of emotions unleashed by her diagnosis to symptoms and mental health.

VanEe emphasizes the impact of energy and attitude toward life events. A philosophy that applies to her personal fight against cancer and extends to a broader understanding of empathy and compassion.  

"I have always been someone that carries themselves very confidently, but that doesn't mean that I've got it all figured out," said VanEe. "We're all going through something and in our day-to-day conversations with people they may be carrying themselves like they've got it all together, while inside their world is falling apart. We really need to be more kind to one another."

As an entrepreneur and mother, VanEe documents the formidable challenge of juggling her health with her commitments to her clients and family.

"The diagnosis ushered in a wave of unsettling thoughts," writes VanEe. "Cancer, I've discovered, can be relentless in its cruelty, and our minds don't spare us during this period. As a business owner and mother, I grappled with the daunting prospect of managing my health while still shouldering the responsibilities of everything and everyone else."

Since initiating “One Tough Titty” in January 2024, VanEe's story is a narrative rich with triumphs, tribulations, and moments of profoundly raw vulnerability.

While VanEe initially created the blog for her catharsis and to share with her young daughter when she's older, she hopes her story will offer solace to others facing similar adversities.

"This blog isn't just a collection of words; it's my live journal, a personal chronicle. It serves a dual purpose—to document this voyage for myself and, surprisingly, to share my innermost thoughts and feelings," writes VanEe. "Ultimately, I hope that by going public, I can extend a lifeline to others grappling with similar battles, assuring them that they aren't alone."

To learn more or to offer support through a kind message, a donation, or a meal, visit


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