Muskegon Community Educational Center named West Michigan Works! Partner of the Year

West Michigan Works! honored Muskegon Community Educational Center (MCEC) as its 2023 Partner of the Year. The award celebrates MCEC’s collaboration in supporting youth through career exploration and work experience. The award was presented during the annual West Michigan Works! board meeting held at the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park on December 11.

MCEC provides a unique alternative high school setting, helping students overcome barriers to earning a diploma, identifying career paths, or transitioning into college. They also extend their impact to middle and high school students in Muskegon Public Schools, focusing on career readiness before senior year.

“MCEC’s partnership is instrumental in equipping our youth with the necessary skills and resources to succeed, regardless of the challenges they face,” said Chad Patton, development & innovation director, West Michigan Works!. “Their collaboration with Muskegon Public Schools and advocacy for inclusive career tech education is a testament to their commitment to career readiness.”

MCEC works with career coaches to guide students into these programs, emphasizing employability skills training and innovative program development.

"Muskegon Community Educational Center has become a pivotal force in shaping the future of our youth," said Chauncy R. Williams, MPS career and college facilitator, Muskegon Public Schools. "We are committed to providing an innovative educational experience that aligns perfectly with the ethos of a collaborative community at the heart of student learning."

For more information about West Michigan Works! career exploration resources for youth and job seekers, visit


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